[tcb] Re: Rust Bullet

  • From: "Sharon Chamberlain" <iluvvws@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 07:04:17 -0600

China has no steel or we'd all have Walmart cars. We used por 15 too- that
stuff is gooood.



From: tcb-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tcb-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Ronnie Hughes
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 7:01 PM
To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tcb] Re: Rust Bullet


Man, I was starting to worry that you had mellowed out.  


And I guess the Monongahela is somewhere in China or Mexico because that's
where all the steel comes from today.



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Denis Dodson <mailto:coocoo@xxxxxxx>  

To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 6:33 PM

Subject: [tcb] Re: Rust Bullet


Well, Ronnie, if you love POR-15 so much why don't you MARRY IT!!!? And
Brian Fred or whatever your name is, I don't think it matters what you use
on a Bay window bus! We Splitty owners fix our busses with good American
STEEL forged in the mighty river waters of the Monongahela by men who give
the sweat of their brow to make America Great and we look back in history to
the German pre-Nazi geniuses who cut new trails in the wilderness of
air-cooling! They did not intend for their mechanical masterpieces to be
patched up with fiberglass band-aids and spit!


So go ahead, if you don't care why should I...HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Ow! I've lost my hat and I'm out of foil. oooooooh, I gotta go to the store









From: Ronnie Hughes <mailto:fracdogii@xxxxxxxxx>  

To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 12:47 PM

Subject: [tcb] Re: Rust Bullet


Brian, I used POR 15 on Sparky with good results.  I wire brushed the rust,
then painted it on.  It actualy sticks much better to the rust then to
paint.  I had a couple of small holes in the front floor board and repaired
them with some fiberglass cloth and POR15. Here's a link to my website
showing how I did it.




Good luck




Brian Denning <i_am_cool_fred@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 

cool, denis you have inspired me to do the same thing. only i am going to 
use por 15 because i have some really thin spots in the back of the fabubus.

i have all the seats out now and am now working on sanding the surfaces and 
busting out loose rust. can't wait to see the before and afters.

>From: "Denis Dodson" 
>Reply-To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [tcb] Rust Bullet
>Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 08:56:51 -0600
>I don't have any heat in the garage where I work on the bus and the 
>directions say not to apply it below 50 degrees, and my parabolic heater, 
>roaring all day only brought the temp up to 51. So Saturday the temps here 
>skyrocketed into the sixties and it was warmer outside than in, so I moved 
>the bus into the sun. While it was completely still when I started 
>spraying, immediately after I began the wind picked up enough to blow 
>around the thin plastic I was using to mask.
>But I got it done and it does look good and it dried by evening. Dan will 
>have the before and after pics.

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