[smee] Re: SMEE

  • From: Heiling Barry T Capt 534TRS/DOB <Barry.Heiling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'smee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <smee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 18:05:50 -0000

First off: I have taken a great liberty and subscribed you all to our
very own mailing list.  

-- Thanks Vic.  This seems to work well, plus we can remove or add people as

had great success with "teamspeak" last Sunday--while the voice quality was
perfect, it was pretty good as internet voice programs go, and appeared
to use very little bandwidth

-- With the connection problems I have had, I will be a no-go on voice comm
until I get DSL hooked up will have for next SMEE I am at hopefully.   

Heh.  So you wait until I log off to go to one of the places I've been
trying to talk the group into for weeks.  I see how it is!  (grin).

-- We definitely want to go back, Bel wants to do the Raincaller again and
we should delve deeper into KK.

> Caller only has 5 charges. Once they are gone their gone.  

Is it not rechargeable via mana batteries or anything?

-- Nope, items with charges can't be recharged.  Once used up they are gone.

I may actually get some use out of the bind-sight spell on Bel while he
to get a better idea of dungeon layouts sometimes...

-- Interesting never tried that.

> If you need
> items from a them please provide them with the materials or the plat to
> cover materials (Ent can buy materials cheaper than any of us). 

Ahem?  (grin)

-- Hehe ok, maybe cheaper than MOST of us.

> Taeaen and I will not be available for SMEE this week.  Rumor has it that
> Bel and Sacor may also be a no show this weekend.  So please plan
> accordingly.

Hmmm.  That leaves myself, Ent, Hak.  A bit thin, but we can come up
with something even if it involves snoozing in Sol B to try and catch up
with you fast-burners...

-- Actually, Bel is in lead at 43, Hak is 42, the pack at 41, Tae at 40 and
Ent at 39.  At these levels, a four level range is very good for grouping.
Just have to make sure the gap isn't widened.

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