Re: name of cc in the renamed rumprun toolchain

  • From: Antti Kantee <pooka@xxxxxx>
  • To: rumpkernel-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 02 Jul 2015 21:52:23 +0000

On 02/07/15 15:50, Martin Lucina wrote:

If so, should we keep -cc as an alias for -gcc, so as to simplify
instructions to not always have to contain "if you want to use gcc,
set CC to -gcc, if you want to use clang, set CC to -clang"?

The instructions can just say "set CC to the rumprun cross compiler you
built" or similar, I'd not bother enumerating the possibilities.

That adds a level of complication as opposed to just building software for the host. If you run build-rr without setting CC, you now have to know if your cc is gcc or clang. I assume most people are like me: don't care what cc is as long as it produces runnable binary.

Of course, you do need to know if you're on 32bit or 64bit, but for that 64bit is a reasonable default. I doubt that anyone will be building on non-x86 in a tutorial context.

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