[rollei_list] Re: Looking for Rolleiflex F ... 2.8 Xenotar or 2.8/3.5 Planar

  • From: J Patric Dahlén <jenspatricdahlen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 22:17:30 +0000

From: Carlos Manuel Freaza:
Interesting Patric, if you payed $ 785 ten years ago,
I think the final cost for my 3.5F (also six
elements)is reasonable considering Harry and John
service + some new spare parts.

Yes, I agree. I paid $400 for my 2,8F and spent $300 for getting it in shape. Not bad. But the best deal was the 2,8E I bought for $13 plus repair for $300. I sold it to buy the 3,5F.

BTW, I am finding the Rolleicord IV a delightful
camera, even less ergonomical than the 'flex in
general (IMO), its light weight and the levers to
adjust f stops and shutter speeds are excellent for
the camera practical use.-

I like the looks of the IV. Had one, but the lens didn't perform well. I've been unlucky with Xenars on Rolleis. Had a V though with a very good Xenar, but the camera itself was in bad shape (and an ugly design).


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