[projectaon] Re: LW refresh - including illustrations!

  • From: Jonathan Blake <blake.jon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 09:44:45 -0800

On 1/4/06, Ingo Kloecker <projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sunday 01 January 2006 21:57, Thomas Wolmer wrote:
> > Another illustration improvement is the clickable RNT Ingo made:
> >
> > http://www.projectaon.org/staff/ingo/imagemap/random.html
> >
> > I haven't figured out how to do this in the XML/XSL though. Jon, you
> > had some idea...?
> I'm wondering whether it wouldn't be easier to simple use a simple
> <table> for the RNT where all numbers are on an image with transparent
> background (or two images with the two different backgrounds) of there
> own. This way the RNT for the different books would be much easier to
> create. Something (in HTML) like
> <table>
>   <tr>
>     <td><a href="1.html"><img src="1grey.jpg" /></a></td>
>     <td><a href="5.html"><img src="5white.jpg" /></a></td>
>     <td><a href="7.html"><img src="7grey.jpg" /></a></td>
>     <td><a href="3.html"><img src="3white.jpg" /></a></td>
> [...]
> Alternatively, we could completely omit any images and simply write the
> numbers as text.

Your comments got me thinking. We could put the burden of making the
image map solely on the XSL by simply making a table representation of
the image like so:

<section id="random">

 <illustration ...>
  <instance ... class="xhtml" .../>
  <instance ... class="text" ...>


<xsl:when test="$document-type='random'">
 <xsl:for-each select="data/illustration">
   <xsl:variable name="illustration-width"
select="instance[@class='html']/@width" />
   <xsl:variable name="map-rect-width">
    <xsl:number value="$illustration-width div 10"/>
   <xsl:variable name="illustration-height"
select="instance[@class='html']/@height" />
   <xsl:variable name="map-rect-height">
    <xsl:number value="$illustration-height div 10"/>

   <image ... usemap="randommap" .../>
   <map name="randommap">
    <xsl:for-each select="instance[@class='text']/table/tr">
     <xsl:variable name="table-row" select="position()"/>

     <xsl:for-each select="td">
      <xsl:variable name="table-column" select="position()"/>

       <xsl:attribute name="shape"><xsl:text>rect</xsl:text></xsl:attribute>
       <xsl:attribute name="coords">
        <xsl:number value="$table-column * $map-rect-width"/>
        <xsl:number value="$table-row * $map-rect-height"/>
        <xsl:number value="($table-column + 1) * $map-rect-width"/>
        <xsl:number value="($table-row + 1) * $map-rect-height"/>
       <xsl:attribute name="href">
         <xsl:value-of select="."/>

 [more XSL to generate results pages]

Of course I haven't tested this, but that's the idea: use the text
representation of the RNT to generate an imagemap element.


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