Re: How do you feel about allowing non-DBA's on your database servers?

  • From: Martin Berger <martin.a.berger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: robertgfreeman@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 21:11:12 +0200

has anyone ever tried to revert the game?

I constantly request code instrumentation on enterprise level from the developers. This can provide operations staff with the ability to trace enough informations so dev does not need access to prod systems in >90%. As a good example I show them sql_trace.

After such a discussion, development is silent most of the time.

Unfortunately, I never got a working trace on enterprise level from any development group.

Has anyone seen a development implementing really useable trace environments?

Am 27.07.2009 um 17:31 schrieb Robert Freeman:

So, I've got a client that is being pressured by development and support types to allow access to their database servers. They claim that it's so they can use tools like ps, sar, topas, etc.... to monitor performance and deal with support issues.

My position is that this is a huge risk and that I would want an very limited population of users (read DBA's and SYSADMIN's only) to have access to these servers.

Anyone have an opinion on this?


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