[opendtv] Re: Off topic: Researchers uncover potent greenhouse gas

  • From: Cliff Benham <flyback1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 21:42:10 -0400

Looking at climate change over just 20 years is like looking at the stock market for a month and basing investment decisions over just that small amount of time.

The general rule for the stock market is not to make investment decisions on trends of less than FIVE years length.

Likewise, accurate climate change trends should not be based on less than 1000 years worth of data.

Mark A. Aitken wrote:
Cliff, folks may not always agree with you on subjects, but on this one I would state that anyone who disagrees with this statement is woefully (or is that holefully) ignorant regards the subject of "Global Warming" as introduced and promulgated by the same guy that invented the internet.


On 10/28/2008 2:43 PM, Cliff Benham wrote:
The current craze on climate is completely political and is motivated by those trying to make money from it by scaring the populace.

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