[opendtv] Re: Did Apple Just Crush the Next Revolution?

  • From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 17:22:35 -0500

Craig Birkmaier wrote:

> Last time I went to the theater I was surfing on my iPhone during the
> commercials before the movie. A guy behind me got upset and asked me to
> turn the phone off because the screen was bothering him...

Oh, so you're one of THOSE people. I can't blame him.

The problem with this sort of behavior is that one never knows if the offender 
will quit during the movie, or whether we'll be subjected to his antics 
throughout. This is also true with people who talk loudly during the 
commercials, or people who carry on cell phone conversations during the 
commercials. I mean, it's not like it never happens that these people carry on 
after the movie starts, right? So yeah, he probably wanted to nip that behavior 
in the bud, before it got into the movie.

> Once again, YOU are demonstrating your disdain for all that is Apple,
> and your lack of understanding of the Flash issue.

You mean, the bogus Flash issue, which could have been solved with the proper 
accelerator? It's all about control, Craig, how come you don't see this? I 
don't disdain Apple at all. They are very good at this. If anything, they are 
to be admired. It's not Apple, Craig.

Today, on NPR (Interfaith Voices), I heard a very revealing interview of a 
woman whose mom was a supposed "guru," with a religious cult following. And the 
daughter was just as much into the cult as the other followers, and in fact 
convinced herself that she too could read the intentions of The Divine. She 
described how her mom had power over people, how she could talk non-stop for 
hours on end, and so on. She described how these "thoughts" would come into her 
head, and how she thought they were in fact visions of the future.

All I could think during the interview was, what on earth can possibly possess 
people to be so profoundly gullible, so controllable, so deluded? Is there no 
skeptical bone in their bodies? The daughter finally discovered that it was all 
bogus, but if it took so many years, it really makes me wonder about her, first 
of all, and about the other faithful deluded.


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