[mira_talk] Bug report

  • From: Marshall Hampton <hamptonio@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 07:35:35 -0500


I am getting the following error on a lot of little assemblies I am
doing right now.  They are 454 and solexa combinations.  The solexa
data might have been preprocessed in a suboptimal way.

My input can be found at:

I used mira

Mira gives the following ouput:

Internal logic/programming/debugging error (*sigh* this should not
have happened).
Please file a bug report on http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/mira-assembler/

"While trying to set the name of read
Encountered character with ASCII code 32. T
It is probably due to your input data, but normally, MIRA should have
caught that earlier!"

-Marshall Hampton

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