[lit-ideas] Re: ye olde political mindset

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 23:58:44 -0400

Yes...visceral response IS the backbone of politics. The only way out is logical response. And there's no way that's going to carry the day.

Eric Yost wrote:

Mike wrote: .... They did.  They fucking brought it on.  Oh shit!

Ah let 'em bring it on...maybe we'll finally get a chance to stun the world by acts of such cataclysmic barbarity that history itself will cease to be written. A mountain of skulls the way the Turks did at Constantinople after the Peasant's Crusade...that kinda thing. Bring it on redux, you know, jihad working both ways.

That said, I'm wondering how fear figures into politics. That is, what the emotional backgrounds of conservative/liberal are, and how the politics themselves are replicas of a response to fear.

When the Israelis started to stomp the Hez, I was corresponding with two friends in Boulder. Both are Naropa graduates, and both are correspondingly liberal in politics and art. Both are Jewish Buddhists. And both reacted strangely to the "crisis in the middle east." The discussion changed tone and became an exchange of cute photos, jokes, soothing diversions, family stories, do-you-remember-whens, etc.

At first I thought they were denying their feelings. (You can't say it's a good thing to stomp the Hez because they are sentient beings, etc. and etc., so just change the subject.)

Now I think they were not denying their feelings so much as denying the reality of violence and war. Which was their normal modus vivendi until this little {{yawn}} crisis unfolded. So then they have a war that makes sense--but wait!--by their belief system there cannot be a war that makes sense...so it's best just to ignore it.

Don't get me wrong. I like cute photos and jokes and diverting stories as much as anyone. Just wanted to point out that my friends pulled an ostrich over the Hez stomping, and am wondering whether their visceral response is the real backbone of politics. (Just as say, a conservative's lack of fear of unregulated industry would be a response.)

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