[lit-ideas] Re: why can't the english (professors) learn how to speak?

  • From: "Walter C. Okshevsky" <wokshevs@xxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 04:37:09 -0330

Speaking of horrific plane stories ... Two days ago, our daughter, Mira, and
"friend" Lars, had their flight from St. John's to Toronto delayed 4 times by
Air Canada! (Why we continue to be surprised by such events, I do not
know.) Fortunately, we don't live far from the airport so the poor pregnant
could comfortably bide her time on the couch in our family room while having
some of mom's turkey vegetable soup. But the plot thickens. Having finally
arrived in Toronto, they of course had already missed their connecting flight
to Frankfurt. Now if you know anything about the reputation of Air Canada, you
may want to put down the eggnog and check that you're sitting down for what
comes next ... Canadians such as Ursula, Phil and Erin know well of which I
speak, I'm sure.

Get this: AC puts them up in a hotel for the night - penthouse suite, would you
believe - and provides them both with meal vouchers for dinner, breakfast and
lunch! No, I don't know who those people posing as AC representatives were or
what they did with the real reps but, hey, why look a gift horse in the mouth,
right? Anyway, they arrive safe and sound in Frankfurt and make their next
connecting flight to Berlin. Which is more than we can say for their luggage,
alas. Three bags (a C note for the 3rd one of course) await their owners,
last I heard. Location on the planet earth presently unknown. And not just any
bags, mind you. That luggage contains priceless items of maternity wear, baby
snugglies, cognitive enhancement mobiles, male amd female diaper changing bags
(one for mom and one for dad, if you're wondering, and if you're wondering
you're definitely over 40), baby blankets, receiving blankets (no, I haven't
deconstructed those yet) cutesy baby clothes with embroidered rabbits and
frogs, and clothes for Mira and Lars to wear during their stay in Berlin before
heading on home to Aarhus. As you can imagine, mom and dad frantically await
news of the whereabouts of their purchases.  

(Life was so simple when I was an undergrad at Loyola in the 70s, writing essays
on Hegel's gestalt of sense-certainty and (while) partying with young women who
were enthralled by philosophically-minded guys and who would graciously give up
their seat on the metro for mid-career folk like Robert.)

Expectantly Opa, Valter

Quoting Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>:

> Ursula wrote
> > Hey Opa Walter, I'm in my sixties (grump #1) and am just now (in 8 or 9
> > days or so) going to be called Oma for the first time (grump #2 is that
> > it took so long...).
> I had my first plane ride when I was ten. Northwest Airlines DC-3, 
> Spokane to Portland, with a stop in Yakima WA. It was in September, and 
> in December of that year, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
> Heard the news on the radio, in real time.
> Don't jest with me, Walter. If a young woman offered me her seat, 
> well...who knows what might happen.
> God bless philosophy professors. I think Abraham Lincoln said that.
> Robert Paul
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