[lit-ideas] Re: … or let's talk about our vehicles …

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:44:07 -0700

Chris Bruce wrote:

On 22. Jul 2006, at 05:08, Robert Paul wrote:

The highly sophisticated (German) sensor which allegedly measures the temperature outside our car hit 111F on one stretch of pavement when I was out and about this afternoon.

Is it just the sensor that is German (and highly sophisticated)? Are you driving a Porsche? Mercedes? BMW? Or …?

In the first version of that ill-considered sentence 'German' was not in parentheses and I feared that someone might think I was referring to a device that sensed Germans. The sensor is located somewhere in a German car, an Audi, which now has about 75,000 miles on it and is humming along just fine. But Chris has made me aware of a faulty inference I made in assuming that the sensor itself was German, for it could have been made in Japan, or France (not likely) and installed at the factory
in Kiel, or wherever.

One of my first postings (I see with astonishment that it was 14 July, 1998) to Lit-Idea's 'precursor' was made in response to a 'thread' with the subject heading: Automobile Poetry. I 'countered' with Thomas Gunn's 'On the Move' (what the heck - 'cut & paste' is handy, so I'll reproduce the gist of that post in a postscript below).

Many thanks for the Thom Gunn poem, but about motorcycles I have certain reservations, ones having more to do with practical reasoning than with the Catergorical Imperative.

Robert Paul
Reed College
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