[lit-ideas] Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch in Newfoundland....

  • From: wokshevs@xxxxxx
  • To: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 19:08:47 -0230

It's been around 23 degrees C. for some time now here in St. John's,
Newfoundland. (You might need a Canadian map to find us as Amerikan maps often
end at Nova Scotia in the east, alas. But we don't take these things
personally.) Cool breezes waft through our fair isle, and consequently we expect
a large number of humungous (sp?) cruise ships from Europe, Japan and other
ports to hit our harbour and contribute substantially to our municipal coffers.
Whales, icebergs, canned Titanic ice-water, blueberry picking along cliffs
bordering the foaming ocean shores, home cooking just like
mother used to prepare (if she were a Newfoundlander), music from the hearts of
musicians borne of the salt and the spray of the relentless N. Atlantic, and so
much more. (Jiggs dinners too.) How could you stay where you are and not come
visit the Avalon? (Yes, we have myths regarding the Templar knights too!) And
of course the Holy Grail is not in a museum in Paris but right here in the
basement of Memorial University's QE II library. (Sorry, Mr. Brown, but you
gots it wrong. As per Job, you got to where you were, but no further.)  

And we have a reasonably comprehensive variety of single malts in our stores
here. Not nearly as comprehensive as what you'd find in Scotland of course.
Perhaps Erin could fill us in on the details here? 

Hoping you're all having a more leisurely summer than I am at present.

Cheers, Walter O.
St. John's, NL

Quoting Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>:

> Judith Evans wrote:
> > It is really hot here by our standards (80s-90s) and very humid,
> > but we've had no power cuts.  (I don't think people are being careful,
> > either.)    Thank goodness!
> Predicted: 103-105 today; 105 tomorrow; and 101 Sunday. After that it 
> trails off into the nineties for next week. The humidity is relatively 
> low, though (I've lived in Upstate New York, Indiana, and Wellesley 
> Mass.) In Indiana the summer temperature and humidity were often the 
> same.) When it's hot in NW Oregon, it's still possible for one's sweat 
> to evaporate, and things cool off pleasantly at night.
> A lot of people who live in older apartments in the city have no air 
> conditioning, but volunteers from various organizations seem to be 
> checking on them regularly, especially on the elderly.
> The rivers have been crowded with crazy people in power boats and jet 
> skis, and the river patrol has been busy. (In Britain, I think that 
> would be 'have been busy.')
> Stay cool.
> Robert Paul
> somewhere south of Reed College
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