[lit-ideas] Re: Waterboarding Bodies Mattered

  • From: "Simon Ward" <sedward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:27:32 +0100

Eric asked what would Lit-Ideas members do?

Probably badger the suspect with endless philosophical trip hazards before shouting very loudly out of sheer annoyance.

My big problem with the torture thing is that it's use, or at least it's imagined use by necessity involves a lot of 'if, then' statements. If such and such was about to happen then the use of torture might prevent it. But if you did resort to torture and the suspect didn't speak up, would that torture be justified if the imagined event didn't happen. In all circumstances, the justification (or the attempt at it) takes place after the event.

So while Cheney may justify the use of torture because it prevented another 9/11, is he saying that torturing suspects who didn't provide important information wasn't justifiable.

I don't belief the fact that 'it works' is a justification. You have to look at it before the fact.

Interestingly, another, unrelated, list I read readily accepts that torture has always happened within the CIA, it's various franchises, in former communist countries etc. The difference was that the Bush Administration thought they had enough control over the political agenda that they could justify it legally.

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