[lit-ideas] Re: The Strident Voice of Defeat

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 15:38:45 -0500

Simon: So Sigmund, why do we all like Saddam so much?

I tend to avoid Freud, but as someone who feels i don't belong in either one of your two camps -- I HATE camping, it's my mother's fault, her womb was made of canvas -- it appears to me that the problem can be easily stated:

there are really only two types of people who are BOTH confused for being a more extreme type of people by the other group of people

1) some people admit to not being emotionally attached to Saddam Hussein's demise in any way and [there version of] swift justice was appropriate

2) some people admit that he was a baddie but that he should still be treated like a human being and [their version of] justice should prevail

BUT uneasily rectified because...

in the minds of #2s, #1s are:

people who actively HATE Saddam and gleefully revel in his botched, ugly demise in which "saddam came across like the only one with any dignity"


in the minds of #1s, #2 are:

sympathetic to an evil monster

Until we can dispense with these silly hyperbolic statements, we'll be arguing at severely crossed purposes to no avail and to the great chagrin of everyone who thinks one way or the other.

just my opinion,
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