[lit-ideas] Re: The Serpent's Club

  • From: "Mirembe Nantongo" <nantongo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 16:13:07 -0500

A worthy individual at http://www.aetherlumina.com/gnp/faq.html has spent a 
great deal of time on the great GNP (gender neutral pronoun) question and 
proposes several different solutions, illustrating each with the same 
imaginative passage (below). If you don't mind feeling like Gollum you may find 
that the following one of several proposals has some merit:
  Try using the gender-neutral pronouns formed by turning the plurals of 
"they/them/their" into singulars, just dropping the initial "th": 

  Subject: ey; object: em; possessive adjective: eir; possessive pronoun: eirs; 
reflexive: eirself or emself.

  A person was down at the river bank withdrawing some polliwogs for eir 
froggery, when ey heard branches snapping nearby, and saw a creature creeping 
towards em from out of the forest. Its eyes had a gleam in them that made em 
think of all the fierceness of a salad, its nose resembled asparagus, its skin 
was white and bumpy like cauliflower. Ey fell backward in terror, and it 
stopped, a monstrous menacing mound of mobile vegetables. More crashings were 
heard from the forest, and two more creatures appeared above em on either side. 
The first creature spoke, in a quiet voice, and its breath smelled of root-beer 
floats and anise. "One should not take the wogs from the river, no no no little 
meatling. For they are pretty, and we likes to watch them." Another of the 
creatures spoke, saying "You would be wise to put them back, tiny tasty 
meatling, so that we doesn't have to savage you." With that, they raised their 
massive arms, each covered with wriggling things like grated carrots gone mad. 
Ey was indignant, feeling the polliwogs to be rightfully eirs, but under the 
circumstances ey was not inclined to debate the issue. "No, no!" ey cried, 
"I'll put them back! I'll put them back!" Scrambling over to the water's edge, 
ey carefully deposited each one of them. "Yessssss...." they said, their voices 
starting as whispers and ending in roars, "YEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!! 

Meanwhile, R.A. Paul writes:

>What may interest people further is that Mirembe and I have eloped. This
> may not be immediately apparent to anybody, for, as she is in the State
> Department, and I am in the Philosophy Department, we will continue to live
> several thousands of miles apart, and have no plans to meet before the year
> 2010. 

My notes say 2012 but I suppose that's a mere detail at this point. 

>I apologize for injecting such personal note into the discussion, but
> sometimes one's enthusiasm overcomes they.

Or even ey. 

Best, Mirembe

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