[lit-ideas] Re: : Muhammed and the Giant Peach

  • From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 23:25:28 -0600

Eric Yost:

Speaking of Iranian Intelligence Services, and also noting that the Cartoon Frenzy was incited by a Danish Muslim group, isn't it odd that this kind of galvanizing fury would occur just at the time Iran is being referred to the Security Council?

>Robert: I suppose you could simply ask if people think the two are >somehow related (and if so, how)


Turns out a significant portion of the violent demonstrators in Beirut were from (Iran's ally) Syria. Circumstantial sure, but it makes the coincidence more interesting.

And yet, still, you could ask if people think the two are somehow related (and if so, how).

Mike Geary
pissing on parades
in Memphis

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