[lit-ideas] Re: (K)ant Kills Creativity

  • From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 22:33:56 -0500

ON the main issue of Sotomayor, it's absolutely clear that she was
picked for who she is -- a Latina -- as much as for being qualified
for the job. But, as John Bolton (Former US Ambassador to the UN)
voiced on Bill Maher's show a few weeks back, (I'm paraphrasing) a
supreme court justice's job is not to write the law, but to apply it
and if in certain instances, you identify as a 'type' and vote as that
'type', then you aren't carrying out blind justice.

No, no, no!! She was picked because she's a FEMALE Latina! And thank you, Obama. I am so goddamn sick and tired of white men, deciding what's right and wrong that I could puke all over the Constitution. I despise Yale and Harvard and Princeton and all the creepy little step stones to power in this country. I sometimes wish I were a maniac who takes vengeance on the world, mowing down machine-gun wise all those who disagree with me -- but I'm too involved in the lives of my grandchildren at the moment. Maybe later. : )

Mike Geary
disdain of white males and Uncle Thomases
and wanting a way out of Memphis

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Stone" <pastone@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 2:49 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: (K)ant Kills Creativity

I have no Brazilian friends. But I have been in Brazil. And while they are
more integrated than we are, I saw definite separation. Socially at least.

Veronica Caley

And their drunk-driving laws make our Draconian ones look fair...

On the first subject: I don't think Camille Paglia is as angry as she
seems. I think she is just dismissive of the whole 'woman-as-victim'
trend of the early feminist movement. She's a hell of an art critic
and entertaining, but you have to read her understanding that THAT
pose on the front of "vamps and tramps" is just a pose.

ON the main issue of Sotomayor, it's absolutely clear that she was
picked for who she is -- a Latina -- as much as for being qualified
for the job. But, as John Bolton (Former US Ambassador to the UN)
voiced on Bill Maher's show a few weeks back, (I'm paraphrasing) a
supreme court justice's job is not to write the law, but to apply it
and if in certain instances, you identify as a 'type' and vote as that
'type', then you aren't carrying out blind justice.

Now, of COURSE everyone is biased to some degree and can't escape what
they "are", but she is self-identifying and Obama has tacitly accepted
that as 'a' reason to pick her.

On a related note, I'm blown away that in a country where the general
voting populace has only ever ONCE elected a Catholic President, that
practically the whole SCOTUS is RC. What happened to this supposed
WASP conspiracy? There ain't none left in that there department.

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