[lit-ideas] Re: Irene's experiment...

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 15:31:26 -0400

At 03:21 PM 9/28/2006, you wrote:

Ursula, with all due respect, I find this condescending and ridiculous.
No, I never ever smile or have fun or find anything funny or see beauty in
anything and never ever experience joy.  Nothing ever shivers my timbers
and I have no sense of humor at all.

You might be being sarcastic, but... to tell you the truth, these three sentences pretty accurately describe how it APPEARS that you are. Other than intermittent, very mildly positive movie reviews and the obvious joy with which you discuss the Russian language, I can't think of anything you've ever written that was remotely "happy" sounding.

Things are actually pretty good ya know. And I'm not talking about bugs and birdies and stuff. Just my daily interaction with nice people is good. It makes my life better knowing that there are others who are good. It doesn't seem to me (or apparently to others) that you 'know' this.


Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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