[lit-ideas] Re: Iran (2), First Front

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 16:18:03 -0500

And I rather think you are being carried away by your rhetoric. On what do you base this "Boom, no more city" and lay it at the doorstep of the terrorists? Sounds like something the US did in Fallujah. You have no more idea what the terrorists would do if in power than anyone else. None of us do. The birth of the US was helped along by terrorists. And then they looked around at their responsibility and turned a corner. Or did you think The Sons of Liberty and the Minutemen just passed out leaflets? It's fear-mongering... It's self-justification...

Eric Yost wrote:

Ursula: Remember the voices after 9/11 that said we were letting the terrorists win when we become like them? Well, we have become like them.

Eric: You are being carried away by your rhetoric. If we were like the terrorists--and I think we've been down this alley before--then Iraq would be completely pacified. Any problems from a city? Boom, no city left. Any disruption of supply lines? Then boom, no inhabited areas within fifty miles of supply lines.

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