[lit-ideas] Re: Faith

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 15:41:22 EDT

<<Yet I think the "reason and faith are allies" view 
hasn't made  much headway, unless you count CS Lewis as headway.>>
I'd include Dorothy Sayers and, less recently, G. K. Chesterton....
American Protestantism has been particularly bad about divorcing reason and  
faith -- indeed in many circles encouraging the view that questioning or 
seeking  is tantamount to the notorious Doubting Thomas syndrome.  A pity.   
Julie Krueger

========Original  Message========     Subj: [lit-ideas] Re: Faith  Date: 
5/16/05 2:03:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time  From: _eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
(mailto:eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   To: _lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
(mailto:lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   Sent on:    
Faith in Christ is not credulity.  Peter  Kreeft wrote extensively on
this topic in THE HANDBOOK OF CHRISTIAN  APOLOGETICS and it was taken
for granted that reason and faith were allies  until a few hundred
years ago.


And since then a lot has  happened, not only in the sciences, but also in 
Christianity itself. There  were discoveries like the Codex Sinaiticus, 
and other early versions of the  biblical texts--the KJV being based on a 
text that took shape somewhere  around 1000 a.d--and a more extensive and 
rigorous biblical  scholarship.

These developments led some thinkers, like Kierkegaard, to  maintain that 
faith was essentially an irrational existential act,  incompatible with 
reason...hence K's famous "leap of faith"  phrase.

However the word translated as "faith" does more resemble "trust  in" 
than "fall for." Yet I think the "reason and faith are allies" view  
hasn't made much headway, unless you count CS Lewis as  headway.

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