[lit-ideas] Re: Faith

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 12:59:44 -0400

Phil: I understand why the existentialists would want to appropriate K. 
as one of their own but a close reading shows that K. is no 
existentialist and is in fact quite hostile to its main tenets.

Eric: You are expressing a minority view. Certainly you disagree with 
writers like William Barrett, whose _Irrational Man_ puts K strictly in 
existentialist territory. Perhaps you would situate _Purity of Heart is 
to Will One Thing_ in a devotional tradition with the musings of Tolstoy?

Eric again:

"Yet I think the "reason and faith are allies" view hasn't made much
headway, unless you count CS Lewis as headway."

It has made tremendous headway.  What is Christian fundamentalism except
perhaps the most rationalistic and modern of faiths?


Eric: Fundamentalism is rationalist in the same way a woodpecker is a 
carpenter. Only by accepting your initial presupposition--that a 
rationalist system can be based on any particular delusional 
system--could you even claim that fundamentalism is a form of 
rationalism. But you appear to desire to do so...in which case you would 
have to allow Nazism as a form of rationalism.

As for "reason and faith" making intellectual headway, I think you 
confuse headway with head count.

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