[lit-ideas] Re: Defending Offense.

  • From: P.H.Lundbech <ml@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 16:05:57 +0100

On Wed, 8 Feb 2006 23:40:41 -0800, "Lawrence Helm"
<lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Note that he says we "beheaded" (clearly not true) 30,000 Muslims.

The problem is that you don't seem to share Mr. Geary's odd sense
of humor. You shouldn't take all he (or I) says so literally. It
has something to do with the concept of irony.

>He is
>using a figure that blames America for the accidental deaths of civilians
>caused by American action (about 8,000)

I think the trouble is just that. 8000 accidental deaths?
Accidental? You can say it, just like that? Oops! Sorry! And
that's it? Nobody's fault, it just happened. 

Human lives seem very cheap.

Without going into numbers I just wonder how high the count of
accidental deaths should be, before 'accidental' also sounded
ridiculous to you.

> plus the deaths caused by insurgents
>and civil breakdown (22,000).  This is an Islamist position as well.  

That's very convenient. When someone interprets the numbers
differently, it must be because they're in cahoots with Osama and

The worst thing is not that a nation starts a war (necessary or
not), but that they shrug off that burden of responsibility or
guilt that should be theirs for those thousands of innocent
civilian deaths in a war started on false pretenses.

P. H. Lundbech
Odense, DK
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