[lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?

  • From: Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 03:27:49 -0700 (PDT)

CK writes:

Omar wrote:
>and no, I don't think that a Democrat victory in
elections would
>change much.

ck: I'm hearing "hopeless" from you, towards both the
US and Israel, as 
nations. What does that mean to you? Approval of jihad
with whatever methods 
are the most destructive? What?

*Somehow I find myself constantly called upon to
justify, not my views as such, but the fact that I am
holding them. I am not extremely happy with this state
of affairs, however...

My views on the US and Israel are not completely
hopeless. Deep structural changes of societies
(without a complete destruction of a society) are
possible and have arguably taken place in human
history. China might be undergoing one such process of
change. However, you could say that I am skeptical
about the possibility of this happening overnight, and
despite Stan's little speech I don't think that
anything like a simple electoral victory of another
establishment party would do the trick. Maybe I am
pessimistic about this happening at all, but you
should remember that I am not American and I don't
subscribe to the US "just do it" mentality that led,
for example, to Iraq war. I don't believe that all the
problems in the world have instant and effective
solutions; many problems are difficult or impossible
to solve. (This applies to my own life as well.)
Violence is not an answer to everything, either. I
think that we will probably have to live with the
current US and Israel for the rest of our lives, while
doing what little we can to reduce the damage these
nations inflict on the rest of the world, the natural
environment, and themselves.


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