[lit-ideas] Re: Amis Antithesis

  • From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 21:17:49 -0500


And this one too, sent out without comment????? What is it? A nervous twitch? Hitting the reply/send instead of "delete"? One too many Jack Daniels? Banging the keyboard in frustration and accidentally sending these uncommented upon messages to Lit-Ideas? <<

No, not Jack Daniels unfortunately, just some interruptions and a badly aimed cursor.

I must say, I was surprised at your response to Pankaj Mishra's article. I found it spot on and your response to it jejune. But you probably won't be surprised at my response either. I don't see any sense in arguing it as I suspect you're too deeply mired in your My Country Right Or Wrong simplicities to understand anything but an order from a superior. Alas, that's your life. Just thought you should know that Pankaj and Simon aren't alone.

Mike Geary

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