[lit-ideas] Re: Amis Antithesis

  • From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 09:21:37 -0700

Normal Americans, for the non-sentient, are Americans who don't want to blow
up other Americans.  Color is optional.


I looked all the way through my inbox for 9-18 & didn't find the article you
refer to.  Sometimes articles don't make it to my inbox.  But frankly I
don't care.  There is a debate about the interpretation of Article 3 of the
Geneva Convention.  The president is willing to compromise.  A compromise is
being worked on.  I'm just not very interested.  Sorry.  


10,000 suspected terrorists rounded up in a nation of 300,000,000.  Is that
good or bad?  Maybe they weren't working very hard at it.  Maybe they should
have rounded up 30,000.  Getting all worked up about suspected terrorists
losing their civil rights just isn't something I can get worked up about.
In fact I wouldn't mind if they expanded their net to round up people guilty
of breaking the following law:


[1] Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war
against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two
witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.  [from
+States ]






-----Original Message-----
From: lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Andreas Ramos
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:35 PM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Amis Antithesis



----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


> I read you doing your short little angry jab thing but no presenting of

> Civil Rights we had lost.


It was sent Sept. 18th, 7:37 pm. Check your mail. Shall I resend it?


> Mike imagined the current law migrating into

> someone coming out to San Jacinto to haul me off, but other than that I

> don't recall any indication of normal Americans, i.e., Americans not

> suspected of being involved with Terrorism being taken away.


By "normal" Americans, you mean "white Americans."


Over ten thousand people in the USA have been detained or arrested under
various pretences 

of "terrorist roundups." 8,000 Arabs were questioned by the FBI and not a
single one was 



Five darkies (not "normal" Americans) in Miami were arrested on charges that
they wanted to 

blow up Chicago. They are members of a sect that sells hair care products.
Not a single one 

was charged with anything. There was no case.


Two Arabs were arrested for the crime of buying cellphones. The clerk at
Walmart called the 

Texas police and they were arrested. The police announced they had stopped
an al-Qaeda 

operation. It turns out the Arabs bought the 1,000 cell phones in Texas,
which they planned 

to resell in Michigan at a $5 profit per cell phone. After a few weeks, the
Arabs were 

released. However, the police stole the 1,000 cell phones and the laptop
computer. The Arabs 

lost their $25,000.


There are countless more stories like this. American citizens held without
charges, without 

bail, for years, people deported for no reason, and so on, none of whom were
involved with 

terrorism. Their crime was the color of their skin.


But these aren't "normal" Americans, so you don't care.


> As to the

> three Republicans opposing Bush, I'm not seeing that as a serious matter.

> In his speech he said he proposed something and was willing to negotiate.

> Now they will be negotiating.  I'm failing to see a problem here.


Are you really so determined to ignore reality?


The GOP senators are saying this will seriously damage the USA. And you fail
to see a 

problem? But of course you do, with your eyes shut.






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