[lit-ideas] Re: A Question REALLY Answered

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 16:24:18 -0500

At 04:02 PM 12/22/2005, you wrote:

Paul Stone wrote:

I think Safire is MUCH smarter than Dowd -- well he used to be before he started getting old -- but he has just as many silly opinions. I like about half of what he writes. At least he has variety. But... at the end of the day, they are both, blech, journalists.

RP: Is WS still writing in Canada? He stopped doing commentary for the Times a couple of years ago, although he still does his column on language for their Sunday magazine.

I haven't really seen ANYONE 'in' print for several years so I can't answer that question. I look at most "papers" on the 'net nowadays after the local newspaper squeezed every last bit of useful information (movie times, good editorials, local news, entertainment critical write-ups etc.) out of their publication in favour of sensationalist 'human interest' drama and the latest "scare" to society.

RP: Are they both blech journalists? (I'm not looking for an essentialist thread on 'what is a journalist.') Seymour Hersh is a journalist. Safire was a political hack masquerading as an expert on current affairs.

Even the 'good' journalists are still, well, journalists. -- i went to a university which was very closely allied with a journalism school and because of this experience, coupled with the daily evidence in the media, I'm prejudiced against them. There are as many as I can count on one hand that I would actually take with more than a single grain of salt. I'm not familiar with Seymour Hersh. I'm just looking for the story, not A politically motivated, emotionally charged side of it. That's hard to find these days. I'm always open to suggestions.

Oh, this reminds me why I FINALLY gave up on Andy... it was during the hurricane [katrina] when 'he' held up Heraldo as the last bastion of hope for honest journalists.

p.s. although I used them interchangeable, "blech" and "well" are NOT synonymous. My use of the second was an attempt to be more balanced, but I see I remain unbalanced.

Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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