[LRFlex] Re: Will it ever arrive?

  • From: "Dr. Puritz" <drpuritz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 22:36:33 -0500

Hi Doug:

To answer your question....sort of want one, but don't need one. For the present, I take my film negatives and have them placed on that digital CD....then I can do what I need to with the images taken from the CD...so far, not very much Photoshop. I am not yet willing to invest the time or effort in the "digital darkroom". Just one opinion, and likely somewhat short sighted. Indeed, I have enormous respect for Ted, Steve, and those who share their wonderful images taken with their digital equipment . The work is spectacularly good, and it is difficult to see any differences from conventional film images when such images are examined side by side on the computer. Furthermore, we are hearing that prints made from digital are just about as good ( if not AS good ) as prints made from negatives.

If the quality is similar, what other factors are operable? I am starting to understand that there is apparently a savings of time and effort in the making, recording, saving, and presenting of digital images versus what was done previously with film. I am aware of the emerging questions regarding the viability of digital images, and the ability to read such images in the future. To amplify, one suspects that Photoshop and the ability to easily manipulate images is very important, as is the faster availability of a workable image. Also, one can readily see how digital lends itself to an easier approach when pictures are to be used in print medium. Not being a "working photographer" there are likely other advantages that I don't appreciate yet.

With the cost of very excellent digital equipment falling ever lower ( and ever more quickly ), one can readily understand that there is likely to be a steadily decreasing number of younger photographers willing and able to spend money for the ever more costly Leica ( and similar quality ) equipment. These younger artists are computer literate at the earliest stages, and Photoshop is taught and inculcated very early in their careers. As some have said here previously, for many film will never be an option.

Finally....the Leicanon seems like a very viable and cost effective alternative. When people with Ted's experience (and obvious expertise ) and Leica "loyalty" begin to happily use their Leica lenses on Canon digital equipment, one must focus ( no pun intended ) on the reasons very, very carefully.

Sorry for the rambling.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Herr" <telyt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 8:28 PM
Subject: [LRFlex] Re: Will it ever arrive?

I'm curious... how many of us NEED to add a digital SLR to the arsenal, vs,
how many WANT to. There are many legitimate reasons one would need to
purchase a digital body right away but I suspect there's a lot of jumping on
the bandwagon too.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

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