[jhb] Re: Need A Gauge Challenge?

  • From: FrankTurley@xxxxxxx
  • To: jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 07:07:55 EDT

A few thoughts on your Vspeed gauge -
Element 1 - An activate button, when mouse clicked by the user the gauge  
becomes active and the rest of it becomes visible.
Element 2 - A recalculate button. The idea is that when the gauge is  
activated the Vspeeds are calculated, then a flag is set to avoid a recalc on  
cycle. However, if the user has e.g. reset the fuel load, then they need  to 
do a recalc. Pressing this button will unset the flag,
Element 3 - A flaps warning light - illuminated if an incorrect flap  setting 
is in operation.
Element 4 - A weight warning light - illuminated if overweight.
Elements 5 - 7 The legends "V1", "VR" and "V2"
Elements 8 - 10 The VSpeed values
Elements 11 - 13 Lights the illuminate when the goundspeed =>  Vspeed
Layout something like -
A  R  F  W  V1  xxx.x L
                   VR xxx.x L
 V2 xxx.x L
Where A is the activate button, R is the recalc button, F and W are the  
warning lights, and L are the spped reached lights.
Does that all make sense?
Frank T.


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