[jhb] Re: EGNS

  • From: Mike Lucas <mhlucas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 23:01:34 +0100

I missed the initial rush but caught the second shift, around 19.45 - 20.15 UTC. As I approached and found some VFR doing circuits I decided against any fancy procedures and making a fool of myself (and perhaps getting in the way) so I opted for vectors from that nice Bones chappie on APP. Then he shunted me off to TWR, and my gob was truly smacked. TWR seemed to know what he was about so I reconsidered putting the cat among the pigeons and I called a missed approach, knowing full well that he had 2 or 3 GA tootling round fairly close to my climb-out. He didn't bat an eyelid and dealt with it very professionally. Quite enjoyable really!

Mike L

bones wrote:

Not long after he left another bunch turned up and that drew in a controller
on Tower - a newbie who then tried to commandeer all the aircraft on my
frequency. A couple of irate messages and a threat of a ban saw him shift to
Manchester but he was replaced by a Dublin guy on TWR who turned out to be
quite helpful. He knew his stuff as he was able to slot a VFR circuit
aircraft into a pattern busy with two doing IFR circuits to the ILS - not
the easiest of tasks. Mike was one and I hope he enjoyed it.

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