Getting IP address asign by DHCP

  • From: "Chuck Clasik" <mrclasik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 12:21:18 -0700

I can't seem to get my ISP's IP address assigned to my nic that is extenal
to the network unless I create a rule with DHCP protocol and giving
external traffic accesss to that protocol. I have my ISP's DHCP server
address but it will not work with that IP address as sorce. I'm using
Cable for internet access so my IP's are Dynamic. When the lease expires,
the connection goes dead if don't have this rule in place. Is there a
different way to get IP's assigned from my ISP to my external nic without
giving the whole world a peek..

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