[openbeos] Re: Distropia

  • From: Michael Phipps <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2005 23:51:48 -0500

It really sort of does. :-) 

The point I was/am trying to get at is this - 
I would bet that every user out there has a different set of software. My usage 
is different than axeld's usage which is different than DarkWyrm's usage. There 
is no way to make a one package fits all. That's why we have BeBits - so people 
can get the stuff that they need.

In order to do what some people are asking, we would need to add a group of 
people who will decide what software to include, check the licensing, keep up 
with the builds, test the stuff, etc. That is a very significant dedication of 
time and know how. Haiku not only doesn't have either to spare, but honestly, I 
don't see how said group can possibly succeed, given the vastly different 
people who use R5 and will use our R1.

As far as BitTorrent... Technically, it is a great answer to the bandwidth 
issue. I wonder very seriously how many people out there use it. BeShare is 
fine for the people who run BeOS now, but afa JavaShare, etc, it has the same 
issue as BT. I think that the better solution would be sf.net and berlios.de...

As far as the browser question, I think that we absolutely have to have one as 
part of the base install. Something that will visit BeBits and mozilla.org, at 
the minimum. Whether that is FireFox or Themis is a decision that we can defer 
until we are more ready. AFAICT, it would have to be one of those two, unless 
something else comes along.

Personally, I would prefer to download the base package and grab the software 
that I want/need. OTOH, I would buy a CD to save bandwidth if it were packed 
full of good software. Especially on a subscription basis and especially if 
there was a good package manager/updater, something near and dear to my heart.

On 2005-02-06 at 17:58:00 [-0500], Jonas Sundström wrote:
> All the details of distro-making has got "bikeshed" written all over it, IMO.
> * 
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/misc.html#BIKESHED-PAINTING
> /Jonas Sundström.              www.kirilla.com

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