[haiku-development] Re: RFC: @haiku-os.org email address policy

  • From: "Jorge G. Mare" <koki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 13:49:19 -0800

Hi Matt,

Matt Madia wrote:
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 13:11, Jorge G. Mare <koki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why not let users choose between their names or nickname? Some people may
prefer to use their nick instead of their real name in their email for
various reasons; there is no harm in that, and it gives you more options to
avoid name clashes.

I believe that since the goal is to attain a level of professional recognition
and trust with 3rd parties particularly other professional organizations, it
makes sense to enforce real names.

It is the domain name that acts as a credential. IOW, the recognition and trust comes from the domain name and from the fact that the person has earned the right to use the Haiku domain name in his/her email address. Whether the email suffix is a real name or a nick, it makes little difference, if any at all.

Remember, this is an optional
service being provided to contributors and not something they are
required to utilize.

Yes, I understand, but I am not sure how that is relevant to the individual's freedom to choose. If a contributor wants to use his nick for the Haiku email address, he should have the freedom to make that choice.


Jorge/aka Koki
Website: http://haikuzone.net
RSS: http://haikuzone.net/rss.xml

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