[haiku-development] Re: FreeBSD network drivers

  • From: "Thomas Mueller" <mueller6723@xxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 06:04:47 +0000

Personally i'd like to hold off of any major FreeBSD network stack updates
until after our next release. The network drivers have been pretty stable
lately, lets work on getting a release out first :-)

-- Alex

A release that doens't work on any modern hardware will not be that helpful.
If two weeks after the release we are already telling people to use the
nightlies because they have new network drivers, the release would be a

My vote goes to doing the work as soon as possible, and if it creates
problems, we can always revert it in the release branch until things are
sorted out.

-- Adrien.

I agree with Adrien on this one, and would also like to include USB wireless,
also USB 3.0 if possible.

Some motherboards have onboard wi-fi, and the interface may be USB, even though
it is not removable as would be a USB stick, USB hard drive, or external USB
wi-fi or Bluetooth adapter.

Some responses:

On 09.04.2015 12:24, Adrien Destugues wrote:
9 avril 2015 11:22 "Ithamar Adema" <ithamar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit:

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 8:52 AM, Adrien Destugues
<pulkomandy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't agree on this, however. USB3 and USB WiFi need a lot more work
and would delay the
a lot more. And, there has been little interest from the developers in
doing it, so it's unlikely
we see them soon.

I don't agree on the USB3 part at the very least, I'm starting to look
into that, and although my
requirements are focused on the most common Intel USB3 implementation, I
don't expect it to be too
involved to support more then that. It actually has more priority then the
FreeBSD layer upgrade
(on the TODO list I'm working from) ;-)

Fine, if it gets done, I don't mind including it. The question I was asking
myself is "should it delay the release further than it is already?"

USB3 only delays the release if we all agree we should wait for it. Otherwise
Ithamar working on it does not add more delay than any of us who are not
working on the tasks we have already identified for Beta 1, no?

Best regards,

I don't want to see USB3 or USB wi-fi unduly delay a Haiku release. Haiku can
branch as FreeBSD and NetBSD do, with a release, current/head and possibly
stable versioon.

Interested users can download nightly builds, or build the latest source tree.

Now I wonder why on-motherboard wi-fi interface is USB rather than PCI(E).
Video/graphics is typically PCI(E).

But then there are undoubtedly things about motherboard technology that I don't


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