[gmpi] Re: parameter recall

  • From: "seb@xxxxxxxxxx" <seb@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 11:06:08 -0400

Combining these concepts brings up a feature that I have been requesting for y
ears: Wouldn't it be possible to store the entire state of a plugin, ( i/o bu
ffers, internal buffers, and controls ) so that you can begin playback at this
point with sample accuracy? It's always a pain to start your song 2 measures
earlier than needed so the sustained pads, reverbs and delays can get buffere
d and running. This has always been a problem with MIDI setups that could be solved in a pure software system.

i have two thoughts:

a) cool!
b) "computers make it easier to do a lot things. its just that most of
      them don't need to be done." (source forgotten)

If this ever gets into gmpi, please make it optional and not mandatory! (i.e. special flag on the parameter telling it is an internal buffer if we go the way of using only parameters for saving/loading state so the host can decide to not save it)

I wouldn't want to be the one on the stage trying to load/save a
song/layout/patch/whatever with multiple long delay lines and other
plugins having internal buffers and wouldn't like as well that all
saved variations/takes/whatever of at track take 100+Mb.

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