[gmpi] Re: Where are we?: 7.1.2/Untangling issues

  • From: "Ron Kuper" <ronkuper@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 08:58:42 -0400

> so i think that in answering these questions, we need to be very, very
> clear where a particular "requirement" originates. genuine
> technological concerns need to be addressed; marketing hype should
> not, i hope, play much of a role in our discussions.

We cannot pretend to live in a technical meritocracy detached from marketing
or business issues.  If we choose to disregard what a poorly designed,
cleverly marketed, alternative to GMPI can do, we will have made a grave

Part of the MMA as a standard body is marketing, by the way.  So it cuts
both ways.

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