[gmpi] Re: Topic 7: Audio packaging

  • From: David Olofson <david@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 23:57:36 +0200

On Monday 02 June 2003 23.30, Tim Hockin wrote:
> > SynthEdit handles this by sending the plugin an event.. "input
> > number 1 is now silent".
> >
> > Should I be telling all my competitors this?, or keep it to
> > myself?
> We dreamed up a similar thing for XAP.  How does something that
> outputs silence (an attenuator set to 0) tell the downstream
> plugin?  Does it send an event to the host or does it have
> connections to each downstream port?

One would have SILENT input and output controls to go with the audio 
ports, I think. "Cable" connections would automatically hook them up.

For connections where an output with silence support is connected to 
an input without, the host can throw in an object that switches the 
input to the host global Silent Buffer whenever the SILENT control is 

Or something... There are countless different ways to do this.

> The buffer is a nice place for
> this, since they are by definition the comms mechanism for
> downstream plugs.

Yeah. I do that in Audiality, although I didn't really have a choice, 
as FX plugins don't use events for control yet. (Very quick hack 
"plugin" API...)

> Either way, this is a detail that we shouldn't even be talking
> about yet, I think.  Or maybe..Ron?

If we're going to decide whether or not to have silence support (how 
to do it is a later issue), it seems like we can't avoid some 
technical level discussion. Some seem to think the feature is utterly 
useless and way too complex, while others think it's both simple and 

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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