[gmpi] Re: Topic 6: Time representation

  • From: Mike Berry <mberry@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 18:35:57 -0600

Chris Grigg wrote:

I think Mike Berry made a pretty good case for it.

Yeah, that was pretty far-sub. I think we'll need something sub, but still need to look closer. I.e., is common-multiple-of-44100-and-48000 the only answer? What if the system is operating with pull-down or pull-up, so you've got to work with, like 44050 and 48000? What about the future when we have sample rates like more 120 kHz? Then the LCMs can get pretty big. Do we need a fractional value? Etc. etc.

If we leave how far sub up to the host then we should be fine for the foreseeable future, until 64 bits does not give enough time at the proper resolution.

Mike Berry
Adobe Systems

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