[gmpi] Re: Topic 6: Time representation

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:21:19 -0700 (PDT)

> I see.  But unless being able to set each plug's tempo & position 
> independently is a design requirement -- something I hadn't thought 
> of -- why make tempo & position 'controls' of the plug?  I've been 
> thinking of tempo as a sort of global parameter, a property of 
> managed by the host, that you go to the host to get, and that looks 
> the same to all plugs in the graph.
> Though maybe tempo-as-parameter isn't so well-liked.

It is not inconceivable to have multiple tempos for multiple sections of a

in XAP we adopted this notion of 'Everything is a Control'.  Realistically,
some controls are NOT for the user, but they are hinted so that the host can
connect things together properly.

Making tempo a control is a way of making it an optional item.  If a plugin
cares about tempo, it defines a control with the TEMPO hint.  The host can
see that and do the right thing.

It's not much different than having a per host (or per sub-host) callback,
except it avoid two nasties:  1) the callback list gets large fast 2)
eliminates a function call.  Also, having a simple and consistent model
seems very nice, to me.


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