[gmpi] Re: Decision Time: 8.3

  • From: Mike Berry <mberry@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 17:35:03 -0600

- The precision problem that I indicated.
- The rounding issues, which are numerous, from mismatched rounding functions to slow float->int conversions.

Tim Hockin wrote:

On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 05:12:32PM -0600, Mike Berry wrote:

Devils' advocate: round or use floor() or something faster (for x86 there is
a fast cast lib that works well) .  If you use floats to represent ints, you
don't need to be exact.

If we eliminate ints as a possible data type, as suggested, then everyone has no choice but to use floats and incur the problems they entail.

What problems?

Mike Berry
Adobe Systems

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