[gmpi] Re: 3.17 Instruments

  • From: "Jeff McClintock" <jeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2004 10:13:38 +1200

The AU note system seems quite good.

In addition to the MIDI Note number, the Note Pitch is also sent...e.g.


NoteInstanceID   65
Note Number      65.0

"NoteInstanceID" is the Midi Note number.
"Note Number" is the pitch in semitones ("Pitch" would be a better name)

Most of the time, it's as simple as that.  Of course if the Host supports
alternate tunings you may get a different Pitch mapped to that key...

NoteInstanceID   65
Note Number      65.5

In this case, hitting MIDI key 65 results in a pitch halfway between A and

This system ties in nicely with the MIDI Tuning standard, which basically
lets you tune any MIDI note number to any frequency"...



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