[gmpi] Re: 3.17 Instruments

  • From: "gogins@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <gogins@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 09:22:57 -0400

Surely there is more to it than that. Instruments are implemented very
differently indeed in different computer music systems.

Issues that differ include:

Instrument voice allocation -- preallocated, or dynamically allocated

Voice control -- per voice, or per instrument, or both (best)?

Fixed set of performance-time parameters, or variable set?

Precision and units of parameters (especially pitch, time, and loudness),
also whether and how they vary over time. The more the set of parameters
form a linear space, the better. Also, how closely this follows MIDI

Tuning systems -- present or not, if so, how implemented.

Wavetable synthesis -- is there a pool of shared wavetables, or does each
instance have its own tables?

Sub-instruments -- can an instrument contain its own pool of various types
of instruments?

"Throttling" and "reduced precision" for control of CPU load -- present or
not, if so how done?

I will try to come up with some use cases for instruments dealing with some
of these issues.

Original Message:
From: Andy andy@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 09:28:40 +0100
To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gmpi] Re: 3.17 Instruments

I'm just starting to have a look at this but for a start off is this not a
little tautological ?

4.34. More on Instruments
Instruments are just ordinary plugins which happen to implement the
necessary interfaces to be played as an instrument."

Andy C

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