[gmpi] Re: 3.15 MIDI (What does it mean to be a plugin)

  • From: "Ron Kuper" <RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 14:32:41 -0400

I personally think that this argument holds no weight, particularly if
we do allow SysEx, because the plugin translating a GMPI event into its
own representation is something that ALL plugins have to do.

True, any synth plugin is going to translate MIDI to some internal form.
But do you know what this internal form is?  Is it really going to be
float pitch values?  Maybe it's something altogether different.

I certainly couldn't say in general, and I've even seen the source code
for soft-synths that emulate hardware.

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