[gmpi] Re: 3.12 wrap-up

  • From: "Koen Tanghe" <koen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 22:43:41 +0200

On Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:04 AM [GMT+1=CET],
Tim Hockin <xxxthockin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 11:12:45PM -0700, Chris Grigg wrote:
>>> Section 3.12 up for review - wrap up time.
>>> http://www.gmpi-plugins.org/gmpi/requirements.php#sec_3.12
>>> If you have problems, speak now...
>> It's fine, but I don't understand why you took out that part that
>> clarifies that normalization isn't expected for non-continuous types.
>> "Appropriate" seems too ambiguous to do the job.
> Well, firstly I disagree that it's only continuous.  It's probably OK to
> map to enum types, if we define consistent rules.
>> I think in general there's a lot of loss of precision between the
>> discussions here and the summaries that go into the document.
>> Shorter's not always better.
> A lot of the details I drop are accidental.  In this case, I didn't think
> that was right for requirements.  Requirement SHOULD be simple.  Too often
> we're dictating implementation details.  The requirement is really that
> outs map to ins.  Details are left for later.  If there is something we
> need to explicitly allow or disallow for a reason, then it should be in
> here.  Mandating "only continuous controls" is arbitrary, at this point.

Something that does matter (I think), is that it says that the host is
responsible for doing the mapping. I'm just wondering: won't there be cases
where it would make more sense for the receiving plugin to do decide on the
mapping depending on what it is receiving from? I'm not saying it is, just
asking if maybe people feel the need to be able to overrule the hosts
mapping when it is necessary.
[I'm not sure (at all), but isn't it so that in Audio Unit world, there are
a bunch of predefined types of mappings and the developer of the plugin can
specify his/her(?) own mappings if needed?]
I can't think of something immediately, but if anyone thinks this should be
possible, it should be in the reqs right. So, I'm asking to be sure...


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