[edi581] Re: Clifford Stoll Article

  • From: tgra0706 <tgra0706@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: edi581@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 20:37:44 -0500

Some of the things that Mr.. Stoll addresses, I have thought of, but some of 
them I have not. For me, being a classroom teacher with only a teacher 
computer in the room, and a laptop, it makes it not as convenient to go to the 
infamous computer lab. I plan to make some time in there to complete a lesson 
on excel, e-mail, webquest,and a scavenger hunt, but I don't feel that my 
students are missing out if we don't get to these computer-oriented lessons. 
What is actually holding me back, is that I want to cover our curriculum that 
is already in front of us, and make sure that the students can complete the 
assignments the old fashion way(pencil and paper) and that the computer lab is 
more of a treat. I agree computers and technology is great, but when do you 
apply and how often. There are(believe it or not) some people living in our 
world today who are not computer literate and don't care to be, but that 
should not be too shocking because you still have some who are literacy 
illiterate and the numbers continue to grow. So Mr.. Stoll's article really 
brought up some controversial topics, but I don't know if some of his thoughts 
or things that he wants to change will be discussed or cared to be discussed 
by our technological world.

Class website:   http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/taylor/suny/
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