[cryptome] Re: Edwards v Snowden: Citizen Four

  • From: doug <douglasrankine2001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:59:38 +0000

The best way to rid oneself of temptation...is to give in to it...Oscar Wilde, in "Philosophies for the Young"...;-)

On 12/02/15 16:37, Aftermath wrote:
magnet link for those who do not care about copyright.. 1080P rip:

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:77e1a18941186c1e6441721df91183d2a339d103&dn=Citizenfour+EDWARD+SNOWDEN+%5B1080p%5D+%5B2014&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com <http://2Fopen.demonii.com>%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk <http://2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk>%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org <http://2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org>%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com <http://2Fexodus.desync.com>%3A6969

and of course, its also hosted on cryptome: http://cryptome.org/Citizenfour-HD.7z

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Shaun O'Connor <capricorn8159@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:capricorn8159@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    I could not agree more and the government are even tying to claim
    thy have "been more open about such matters" since the snowden
    revelations, when all they have really done is regurgitated what
    is already out there with a few little twists to make it appear
    that they have been more forthcoming. the usual spin, trying to
    deflect people from questioning their motives, trouble is so many
    people just read what "the government" puts out nods wisely and
    think "oh , must be true then cus the gov'ment says so", mustn't
    question government must we. ohhh that would never do, we might be
    called dissidents or sommut.
    I shall definitely peruse that case material more deeply though Doug.



    On 12/02/2015 14:19, doug wrote:
    Hi Shaun,
    If you look at the  stuff from Clapper, since he took over as the
    Director of the CIA.  He is in denial about the torture, and
    almost everything else, just as much of the rest of the US ruling
    elites are.  (Obama says. "We tortured some people" and that is
    the end of it, no prosecutions, no holding to account...nuffink).
    It's a bit like the holocaust denial merchants. They are still
    arguing that it never really happened.  This case is about
    burying all of the Snowden era of revelations, making it
    difficult for future whistleblowers; but at the same time it is
    opening it all up.  The higher up the case goes, the more
    publicity, and the more people and organisations will be
    associated with it, or opposed to it.  Might just reach its apex
    at the time of the next US Presidential election.

    It is part of the political reaction to all those secret jewels
    being put on public display. Now, I am sure that Edwards doesn't
    really want that, but it is his choice after all.  That is why
    the case is important...Will he achieve his aims of suppression?
    I doubt it, but at least he is keeping the can of worms open, and
    the winning might come at great cost.  We never get any of this
    sort of thing in the UK.  The ruling elites have got the secrecy
    angle all well battened down, and the likes of Black Friday is
    much more interesting for the masses of people.  We now have an
    election period which covers 5 months instead of 3 weeks and it
    is all pretty repetitive and boring, yet have we heard a word
    about democratic rights and liberty?  No, but we have heard
    plenty of stuff about getting out of the European Court of Human
    Rights etc.

    On 12/02/15 13:37, Shaun O'Connor wrote:
    A bit late for that!! The horse has already bolted from the
    stable!!! and as for them seeking reparation for damage to
    "national security" well if they are  prepared to play with dirt
    they should expect to  get dirt on their hands.
    Why on earth should they ask the courts to clean their dirty
    linen for them AND expect the film makers to pay for the privilege.?
    Rhetorical question of course but they are in my opinion
    arrogant pigs to a fault.

    On 12/02/2015 12:31, doug wrote:
    Just to let you know....The Edwards court case is about getting
    the film banned and those who made it put in jail and the
    companies they work for shut down and made to pay reparations
    to the American state because they have damaged US national
    security and the whole fabric of American society for exposing
    all those nasty tricks and bits of tradecraft which are carried
    out in the name of diplomacy and foreign policy, by the
    democratic employees and leadership of that state.

    On 12/02/15 12:24, Shaun O'Connor wrote:
    I have seen the movie, its interesting stuff, bang up to date
    as well since it also includes the aftershock so to speak of
    Snowdens revelations

    As for Snowden providing new information.  I don't think he so
    much  told us anything we didn't know but rather gave
    substance and credence to what many in-the field had suspected
    for quite some time. corroborative evidence if you will.


    On 12/02/2015 12:09, doug wrote:
    see url: http://cryptome.org/2015/02/edwards-010-014.pdf

    Case developing nicely...lots of information being revealed
    in a nice, logical, time line way.  A lot of information to
    read of course...111 pages of court documents.  Copy of
    Citizen Four freely submitted to judge for his/her perusal...
    The joys of service to the people.  Pity the film is
    copyrighted...I might have watched it...:-).




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