[CPT-FGC] Re: New Mailing List

  • From: Ashraf Barendse <ashraf.barendse@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:56:04 +0200

I would suggest InJustice players each send a facebook message
speaking on behalf of yourself, saying that those rules are not
acceptable. Mention standard fighting game rules, Evo and other big
tournaments etc.

If enough players ask for the dumb no-spam rule to be abolished, it
should happen. If not, then unfortunately you won't be able to

It's all up to the InJustice players.
This is what I would do if a game I played was being scrubbed up like this.

To play Devil's advocate, if they refuse to change the rules and none
of the Fg guys enter, then that's basically free e-sports money up for
grabs, since you'll be able to play with just noobs. :P
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