[CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off

  • From: "Donaldson, Alasdair" <alasdair.donaldson@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:32:39 +0000

Lunatic Priest, Psycheflayer

This fight begins with only the Lunatic Priest present; he is an unremarkable 
enemy, but at 50% he will begin summoning the Psycheflayer.  When the true boss 
appears, quickly DPS the summoner down, then move on.
Psycheflayer has a few nasty abilities that must be accounted for, the most 
important of which is Mind Melt, which drains MP from those it hits.  However, 
if the boss is tanked against a pillar, the party can avoid this ability by 
staying out of line of sight of the boss.  DPS will have to take a hit or two 
when they attack the boss, but the healer can avoid it for most, if not all of 
the fight.
This boss will summon stone adds, which should be killed as a priority.  Watch 
out for frontal line AoE attacks from the first add, and heal through the group 
AoE that the marble add casts.  They will crumble, and be rebuilt eventually by 
the boss, and must be re-killed.  Note, one of the adds will use a Disease 
effect, which lowers healing on the target until Esuna is used.  When the boss 
gets lower in health, he will summon a massive rock elemental in the back of 
the room.  This elemental should not be attacked, but it will use a massive red 
circle AOE that should either be avoided by moving outside the radius, or by 
stacking against a pillar and keeping it between you and the elemental.  This 
will negate the damage completely (the tank should be tanking next to a pillar 
for this just reason.
From there, continue fighting the adds and boss until he dies, and the 
elemental will despawn.
Demon Wall

This boss is a major DPS check - any group that cannot put out enough damage 
simply will not be able to make it past this fight, guaranteed.  Good equipment 
is a must, as a result.  The time limit to kill this boss is, simply, until it 
pushes the party against the wall, which will kill you all instantly.
While the Demon Wall does little damage to the tank, it will do severe random 
damage to the party with unavoidable spells, so healers must be prepared to 
heal though.  He will also cast void zones on the floor that alternate between 
the middle and sides of the platform.  These will cause direct damage and cast 
Slow on anyone they hit.  After he casts the rotation of void zones twice, he 
will cast Repel, knocking the group backwards, dealing damage, and letting him 
inch forward.  When he uses Repel, it will knock your character backward from 
the direction your character is facing.  As a result, you must face directly 
towards the boss, or risk being blown off the platform to your death.
A note for healers, if you have not turned off the "Auto Face Target" option, 
you must be careful with healing spells during Repel, as they may turn you 
unexpectedly.  It is best to use self-targeted AoE healing spells such as Cure 
III, Medica II, and so on when Repel is charging to avoid falling to your death.
After he does the whole rotation three times total (void zones, then Repel), he 
will spawn void ooze behind you that will cover about 1/4 of the platform.  
This deals damage that increases the longer you stand on the ooze.  Once he 
spawns this, 2 adds will join the fight as well.  There are two options here: 
the bees that join the fight have a LOT of health; if the boss is close to 
death, it is worth it to ignore them and try to burn the wall down.  If the 
boss is still at half, the bees will need to die before you continue.  They do 
cast a red circle AoE around them, which should be avoided.
This fight is a DPS race, and is generally considered to be the hardest fight 
in the entire instance.

Compared to the Demon Wall, this boss is easy as pie.  The tank should try to 
tank him towards one of the gargoyle pillars in the back.
Anatoboga breathes a healing debuff/AoE damage in front of him periodically, 
which must be dispelled right away.  At certain times, he will run to the 
middle of the room, and begin casting "Imminent Catastrophe".  A large, purple 
ball will appear above his head, and all players must run to one of the 
gargoyle pillars and hide behind it to avoid a massive AoE attack.  Melee DPS 
should attack from the sides, as he will use a large range tail swipe if he 
detects any players behind him.
Every now and then, a gargoyle statue will explode, spawning a Vodoriga Sleeper 
- these should be killed quickly before returning to the boss.
At around 50% health, Anatoboga will start channeling a purple laser towards 
someone.  This person needs to run away from the group until a purple orb 
spawns at their feet.  Avoid the orbs, as they emit AoE damage until they 
despawn, thus spawning one near where the boss is being tanked will likely 
cause a wipe.
Additionally, if the 4th gargoyle spawns, the group must burn down the boss as 
fast as possible, as the final Imminent Catastrophe will then be unavoidable.
As mentioned, this boss is far easier than the Demon Wall, and groups who reach 
this point should have no trouble finishing both this boss, and Amdapor Keep.

From: cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of lindsey kiviets
Sent: 31 October 2013 12:27 PM
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off

how many times does he spawn bees?
From: alasdair.donaldson@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:alasdair.donaldson@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:12:45 +0000
It was just below half health, I think.

From: cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
[mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ilitirit Sama
Sent: 31 October 2013 12:12 PM
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off

BTW, how much health did we get Demon Wall down to?  I think we are still 
slightly undergeared.  The fight is a straight DPS race.  If you are under 
geared, they recommend Limit Breaking the first bee, burning the second.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Wynand-Ben Viljoen 
<paashaasggx@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:paashaasggx@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Ok cool, thanks

Framerate wont be a issue

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:25:00 +0200

Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off
From: ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx>
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The thing with the PC version is that there's slightly less input lag than the 
console so the game feels slower because you have to input things later than 
what you do on console.  You'll notice the effect immediately if you switch 
from console to an arcade cabinet.

V-sync should be off, frame rate should be fixed.  And as long as you're 
getting over 100fps in the benchmark everything else should be fine.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Wynand-Ben Viljoen 
<paashaasggx@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:paashaasggx@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
@Ilit  (or anybody else with PC version of SSF4)

What settings gets the closest to console experience?

Mainly wondering about v-sync.  It adds noticeable input delay.
Not sure if consoles run with similiar v-sync lag or not.

I would test but my stick skills are so bad/inconsistant that im never sure if 
miss stuff due to timing or my lack of exection skills.
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:56:28 +0200

Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off
From: nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx>
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Ah, nice.
The SOE store has been optimized for android devices.
Now I can check what the prices of everything is nice and quick.
I've also realized something else.
Game sharing will be much easier to control with multiple accounts.  That way, 
not all game content will get deactivated/activated per system.
I think creating a "friends share" account might be in order the next time we 
try the sharing thing.
...aaah another day, another loophole in the system :)

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Nicholas Robertson-Muir 
<nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
The graphics are beautifully terrible.  We'll prolly spook easily and end up 
shooting each-other.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Ryan Williams 
<ryan820509@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ryan820509@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
*lol* We doin co-op?

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Nicholas Robertson-Muir 
<nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
...like you play doom when it's light outside...pphhhttttt... don't be daft.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Ryan Williams 
<ryan820509@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ryan820509@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

I'd be up for some Doom action! I have to attend a meeting tonight at 7pm to 
discuss the Halloween activities for Sat, so will probably only be on after 8 
or so.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Nicholas Robertson-Muir 
<nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:nicmuir@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I answer my door with my Darksiders or Tengu mask.  Hand out sweets.
Doom tonight SAP?
I'm grabbing my other PS3 tonight.
Do you have uncapped at home?

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Ryan Williams 
<ryan820509@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ryan820509@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
*lol* I made a Jack O' Lantern (carved out the pumpkin last night).

One of my neighbours approached the peeps in our neighbourhood about doing 
something for Halloween.

Apparently, her fam engages in Halloween activities every year. This year, she 
wanted to get the entire neighbourhood involved.

So, when I get back from the wedding on Saturday, there'll be some 
trick-or-treating to look forward to *lol* Gotta hand out sweets to the keeds 
and all that :) Should be fun.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Donaldson, Alasdair 
<alasdair.donaldson@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:alasdair.donaldson@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
We need just slightly better gear. That's why we're running WP.
Anyways, it doesn't matter. We can't run AK because our tank keeps quitting in 
the middle of dungeons.

Happy Halloween people.
I guess since we're in the southern hemisphere, it's Beltane as well.

From: cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
[mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>] On 
Behalf Of lindsey kiviets
Sent: 31 October 2013 7:35 AM

To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off

I don't think its a case of undergeared anymore, we did okay.

now we have to push through tonight. 1 wp then we do ak again.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:33:44 -0800
Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off
From: gieroadsteve@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gieroadsteve@xxxxxxxxx>
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
knowing Nick I hope he isn't doing anything "special" this eve.

On 30 October 2013 09:22, sameegh jardine 
<sameegh@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:sameegh@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Happy birthday bro, hope you're doing something special this eve!

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 2:23 PM, lindsey kiviets 
<lindseyak@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:lindseyak@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
tsek , you need practice in doing damage.

From: alasdair.donaldson@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:alasdair.donaldson@xxxxxxxxxx>

To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:18:41 +0000

Cool, no worries. We've got a lot of 8 man things that we need to run and LB 
still needs a lot of practice and being a tank.
Ah, so Ecco will be back at some point.

From: cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
[mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>] On 
Behalf Of Moshe Shevel
Sent: 30 October 2013 2:17 PM
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [CPT-FGC] Re: [CPT-RPG] Re: Stuff off

I should be able to finish the story by this weekend, taking into account all 
the random stuff I end up doing. I'm just about to hit level 46, ended up doing 
Cutter's Cry 3 times just for a stupid Sand Bat that wouldn't register being 
killed. Ecco is busy studying for his exams, that's why he hasn't been online 
for the past few weeks.
On 30 Oct 2013 1:51 PM, "Ilitirit Sama" 
<ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I didn't just put him on to the idea, I showed him exactly how to do it.

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Stephen Scheidel 
<gieroadsteve@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gieroadsteve@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
looks like you kind of put him on to the idea in the first place.

On 30/10/2013, Ilitirit Sama <ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx>> 
> Some proper credit would have been nice.
> http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/comment/8441262/#Comment_8441262
> http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/comment/8441887/#Comment_8441887
> He implies that we both had the same idea and came up with a working
> implementations even though it's pretty clear from my thread he took what I
> did and created this app.  I don't mind that at all (that was the point),
> but he shouldn't have made it sound like he had the idea independently.
> Maybe it's just a language barrier thing.
> Anyway, he put a lot of work into this so good on him.  I just devs hope
> start taking note.
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Stephen Scheidel
> <gieroadsteve@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gieroadsteve@xxxxxxxxx>>wrote:
>> Salie have you checked out that AE trainer thing for PC?
>> Any good?
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