[cad-linux] Re: .dxf or .dwg?

  • From: Sagar Behere <sagar_behere@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cad-linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 05:22:16 -0700 (PDT)

Hello again,

This is going to sound really awkward. I am primarily
a mechanical engineer, who got pissed off because I
couldn't find a good gpl'ed cam software. I am not a
programming guru, so bear with me if this sounds
stupid. (I got a bunch of computer science students
who are going to do that actual programming)

Where exactly and how is a database required in a CAM
software? Could somebody give a very quick rundown of
teh steps required to create a cam software? Something

1) Read in a .dxf file
2) identify arcs, curves blah
3) convert them to g-codes
4) do something else to modify those g-codes to obtain
a proper tool path

well...something like that anyways..

I saw the source code of a program from Yeager
automation, called Ace, which accepts a .dxf as input
and generates g-codes. I am fairly certain that it did
not incorporate a database, hence my doubt.

I'd really love to interact more with you guys as the
software starts taking shape.

Thanks and regards,

--- Lee Harding <lee.harding@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Another option is using PostgreSQL's built-in
> geometry types.  

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