[cad-linux] Re: cad-linux still alive [if only on life-support...

  • From: Christopher Sean Morrison <brlcad@xxxxxxx>
  • To: cad-linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 10:14:27 -0400

Most of the major work going into BRL-CAD over the past year [0] has  
been focused on refactoring towards a new GUI, support for BREP/ 
NURBS, and support for the STEP format.

  [0] http://brlcad.org/BRL-CAD_Priorities.png

There has been some work on the 2D front, but we're still at a state  
that requires manually annotating the resulting image outside of BRL- 
CAD.  That is to say that we can generate 2D hidden-line drawings [1]  
(we've been able to do that for decades) but you have to manually add  
labels and dimensions yourself.

  [1] http://brlcad.org/gallery/s/renderings/havoc_rtedge.png.html

It's certainly something we often discuss and is even more-often  
requested, but is mostly a matter of manpower and prioritization.   
Turning BRL-CAD into more of a hybrid modeling system with fully- 
integrated BREP/NURBS support alone is a multiple year effort.  It  
involves something along the lines of about ten staff-years of full- 
time effort alone to implement a robust fundamental representation,  
provide robust rendering and analysis support, and conversion  
facilities to go between representation types and output formats.

One of the things that has worked well for a couple of our users is  
to work on a 3D model in BRL-CAD, export said model  to dxf, import  
into QCAD, and generate their annotated 2D drawings from there.   
Similarly, other users have done the reverse to model sketches in  
QCAD, import those into BRL-CAD, extrude into a 3D volume, and  
continue from there to render hidden line drawings or export for  
machining, etc.


On Jul 17, 2009, at 9:38 AM, Keith Frost wrote:

> has there been any work on creating 2D drawings from BRLCad?
> 2009/7/16 Rubén Gómez Antolí lobo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> ,,,
>> Me too, but I'm trying with BRL-Cad and Varkon.
>> Salud y Revolución.
>> Lobo.
>> --
>> Libertad es poder elegir en cualquier momento. Ahora yo elijo GNU/ 
>> Linux,
>> para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
>> ---------
>> Desde El Ejido, en Almería, usuario registrado Linux #294013
>> http://www.counter.li.org

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